I do my exercise seven times a week, and honestly I rarely want to, but I have trained myself to do it. Its not easy to woke up at six everyday. I make a deal with myself every time and say, "Jhaniz wake up and get ready and get to the roof top". That doesn't seem too difficult.
I rarely intend to do it for an hour. I always set my goal, do the lung exercise (inhale/exhale) for 5 minutes and followed it by 20 minutes stretching while Im at the sun (doctor says the morning sun is good for your bone and your lungs). After that do the 10 minutes fast walk back and forth in our yard.
You know what really helps me? During my exercise time, I say a little prayer based on what I feel that day. "Father God, I present my body to You as a living sacrifice. I offer this time of exercise to you as a time of worship, to glorify you in my body. I purpose in my heart to sow seeds of self control, endurance, and faithfulness and I believe I receive a one-hundred fold return. I decree that with every step I take, I am increasing in health, strength and discipline. Thank you for anointing me to succeed as I prove your good and perfect will in my life. In Jesus name, Amen. "
I do that while facing the trees and the grass at the big vacant lot beside of our house, and staring at the big spacious blue sky. I felt so close to God being with his creations...
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