Time flew fast! After four months of being apart, the emailing, chatting, sending snailmail, and calling on mobile seems not enough to fill the eagerness of being together again. We really misses each other so much, so from the day he went back to Hawaii, he started to save money again for his second visit. Haha... I think my prince charming had been hooked up with me already ;) This time, we've done so much preparations a month before he arrived in the Philippines. From the hotel, places to visit, rented car, and all the possible expenses. Oh well, actually he had done most of this preparations, specially to shop for our precious thing, our engagement ring.
It was Novemeber 1, 2009 when he arrived here in my beloved country, at the same airport and same time. Now, Im pretty sure that we are waiting in the right waiting area of the airport. I brought my mother with me, my sister and my niece to give him a warm welcome. Of course, we have the camera ready for that momentum.
A day before his departure in Hawaii, he told me that his arrival will be moved an hour late from his original schedule. So we expect that instead of 2:35, he will arrive at 3:35 PM. We've been there an hour before that but the waiting makes me really feel bored, specially my niece who was keep on asking, " What took Tito Jeramie so long Tita?" I just replied her a smile. I know soon he will be in my arms again, all i have to do is wait. Well, the waiting wont be too long now. I just make myself entertained by watching people who are so happy embracing their loved once after not seeing each other for so long. And like them, i couldn't removed the smile on my lips when i finally heard that the plane he was aboarding has came. My honey is here again!
It was really nice to feel his embrace again after four long months. We've planned to have a quick kiss but to think that mom is there, we didnt sneak one, hahaha! They are happy to see Jeramie's back again. After a little conversation and picture takings, we go straight to the car that we had rented to drop us at our hotel in Makati. Our room in BSA Mansion Hotel is a lot different from the picture that we've seen in the internet, so we're kinda dissappointed but we dont have choice, we've already done the reservation. Anyways we will just stay there for two days... Our first night was filled with lots of hugs and kisses :).
The following days are all planned already. November 2, all souls day, we went to cemetery to visit my fathers tomb. It was my promise to papa that I will bring the person who I want to be with for the rest of my life. Yeah, I asked for blessings, I know he is happy for me... There, with my mom, aunt, niece and nephew, we offered him a little prayer. It was afternoon that time, the sun is up and it hurts already so we decided to leave after an hour of staying there. Going back home, we didn't noticed that my nephew vomited inside the taxi, we just get to know about it later after they get off the cab. We've noticed that the driver get disappointed about it, so while we were on our way to our hotel, we decided that we will add a couple of hundred for the taxi rates. When we get there, and stop at the front of our hotel, I handed him four hundred pesos, two hundred for our taxi rates and another two hundred for the mess my nephew made. But the heck, he insisted, and want to ask more. He's saying that the cleaning is expensive now. I get disappointed, I know all, even the smallest things are expensive now but I doubted he will bring his car to shop to get cleaned because me myself can do it. I even volunteered to clean the mess because the floor is covered by a plastic mat, so eventually its easy to clean, just wash it with water and spray perfume, and its done. I keep arguing with the driver, i disagree about the 300 box that he want me to add from the first four hundred that i gave him. It was lots already, and I know that he was just taking advantage of Jeramie, who is being confused that time about whats happening. I really want to continue arguing but i think i will explode already, and to think that Jeramie is there
waiting and staring at me, i gave what he want, with the word "God bless you manong!".
We go straight to our room without saying anything. If you saw me that time, my face was like a scrambled paper, and I bet the painter wont say yes even I'll pay him a thousand dollar just to paint my face, haha! Even Jeramie couldn't find a words to start a conversation. He knows I'm mad. First I kept silent, and face him and say sorry about what happened, but i cant hide my feelings and couldn't resist to burst tears. Thats me whenever I'm mad and feel like i cant do anything, I just cry. For him not to see me crying, I went to the bedroom and lay down to the bed, but he follows, and hugged me. I tried to say anything and to explain everything, but I couldn't speak for my tears wont stop from falling, so I just cried while he was keep on saying that everything is just fine, and giving me a tender kiss in my forehead. After a minute of silence, I stood up and decided to went to the bathroom to wash my face and stop the drama. Without any idea, when i came back he was already wearing the weirdest smile in his face. I didn't noticed the black small box that he's holding in his other hand, as i remember he guided me until we get to the bedroom, He start to say something that i coudn't remember already because of the feeling of excitement. Is this the time that I've been waiting for? Is he going to propose now? Those questions answered by the time he kneel in front of me while gazing me into the eye and said, "I want you to be the mother of my children... Will you be my wife?" He then showed me the ring, and fitted in my ring finger... I felt like i got paralyzed that time for a second, I was shocked and don't know what to say. I was so overwhelmed, and my tears start to fall again, this time for happiness. I hugged him and whisper "YES,YES, YES". That was the one of the happiest day of my life. :)

After that day, we woke up early to prepare to checked out. Our destination is Tagaytay. Jeramie told me that he was really waiting that our engagement will be done to more nicer and special place like that, but things are more often happened out of our control. Its ok though, its just really nice to see our engagement ring on our finger. ;) That night, after he proposed, I asked him why he decided to propose so soon? Well, I already know, that visit is for our engagement, and I cant wait to have my ring. I just cant believed it happened so soon, at the 2nd day of his 2nd visit, and the exact all souls day. He laugh, and gave me the sweetest smile, then said, I never met a girl like you.... That followed with a sweet and gentle kisses. See how lucky I am??? :)
That visit of him gave us more time for each other. Its our first time to get there so everything was unfamiliar. We stayed in Days Hotel Tagaytay for four days. We get to visit different parks and the Taal volcano. We truly enjoyed everything. But when we came back to Manila, the hot temperature made him not feel well. He got sick, from two days staying in Raf Mansion hotel in Pasay (the worst hotel we've stayed in ) to finally found our official hotel in Malate (Pearl Garden Hotel), he didnt even felt good. I am so worried because his departure will be a couple of days to go, but in Gods help he get better before the day of his departure. And thanks to myself too, his registered nurse that time, ahaha..
I've lived in my whole life depending to my parents, and cant decide for something and do something without even their guidance. I guess, that time I become independent and teach my self to depend on my own for most of the time, most of the decisions. I guess I become a strong person when Jeramie came. He brings out the best in me. I guess its time for me to live not for them only, but for myself and for my future... my life with my american fiance... my love... my honey Jeramie.