Most of us believe about miracles, but sadly some don't. I wonder why they don't believe that miracles exist. Didn't they know that its a big miracle living in this world today? With all the sickness that the world brought today, adversities and disasters of nature, and the fragile surroundings, we should be thankful that everyday, from the moment we wake up, we are still breathing, we are still moving, and we could still see ourselves and loved ones happy and in good health? Yes, our life is a big miracle. Actually, all things are miracles. And God performed miracles all day, everyday in our lives, big or small, we are just too busy to noticed it sometimes.
I can say that I am the living proof of miracles. From the moment I was born. My mother said, (I have heard this story many times), that she had suffered labor from me three days before giving birth. She actually told my grandfather who was there at her side to take care of me whatever happens. When I go out into this world from her tummy, I looked so fail and didn't even cried, as they say a sign of a healthy baby. My mother said its a miracle that we've both survive that incident.
As I grew up, learned new things, got friends, lost someone, gained new people, I know i have been exposed to miracles. I know how to appreciate even simple little things that God proved that he loves me, and that he was there at my side always. I remember, when I was in college, I was so worried that I have to study and memorized all the possible answers on our exams, when I accidentally saw a paper which has an inspirational quote about not to worry too much because God is there ready to help anytime you need Him. It makes me smile. One day, when I was on my way going back home from school, I was so dissapointed because of the traffic and from feeling so hungry, my head starts to aches. I want to growl at the driver to say keep on moving because there are cars that keep on passed by on his lane, I want to go grab the steering wheel to do it on my own because I really really want to go home. Suddenly I heared the sounds of an ambulance, I get to see the people inside of it too even if its so in a hurry passing the road. I felt shame to my self and thought that I still have to feel blessed that even if Im stuck on that traffic, I'm still ok and can still handle the pain im feeling on my head. I know whoever is in that ambulance would want to be in my positions too that even Im in the middle of the traffic, I am still well, and ok. Those little things, for me are miracles. They come unexpectedly, when you least expect it.
When my father got sick, thats the time we started to feel how hard the life is. We've lost some property, we've sacrifice some and pawned some. Plus when my sister got hospitalized for almost a month, we experienced to wake up in the morning without even a single penny on the hand to buy for just a piece of bread. My mother who usually woke up in the morning to find someone to borrow money that day was losing hope, she didn't know where to go. That morning, for no reason her feet leads her to one of the plant planted in the big can which is on the top of our fences. She then dig the soil of the plant and got shocked from what she saw. She found 6 pesos on the soil. Imagine, that was just a small amount of money but it is enough to make us smile all day. We've waited for somebody to asked about that money but no one searched for it. The same situations happened when she saw 500 pesos at the oldest book we've been keeping for so long. That book suddenly appeared on that day. We've cried for so much joy. God moves in mysterious ways we cannot see. He make us realize that even a simple and little things helps when you needed it badly.
Just a thought, God performed miracles already at his times but still there just few who believed. I wonder how lucky they are to see Jesus, but they didn't seem care about it. Nowadays, lots of people were asking for miracles. Miracles to extend their lives, to get well from sickness, to meet their longing partner, and to finally have a baby.... When my father died, we didnt know where to go that time. But God is there, willing to give his helping hand to us. We've lost a loved one but He gave lots of friend, and he showers blessings to us, that even my father wasn't here on our side anymore, he is there to become a father and a provider. Our family was never perfect, we often disobeyed Him, but He never gave up showing us how pure his heart is, that he always forgive even we always failed Him.
Miracles brought us happiness, and hope that God will never let us go alone in our daily lives. It makes us appreciate life that we have to be thankful and hope for the best, because God had planned everything from the day we have born into this world. Our life is full of miracles, just keep your eyes wide open and believe that Miracles happened!!!... ;)