As I continue appreciating the beauty of life, I suddenly find my self smiling. Indeed, surrounding by people who loves you is so overwhelming...
Being married is not as easy as I expected. Especially when you marry a guy from different country, with different language, belief and culture. I admit we still have hard times sometimes adjusting some differences. He like doing things that I don't like and I love some things that he doesn't like. But in spite of all those things, we still love each other and find some things weird but cute. I realize, why focus on your differences when you also have lots of similarities?
I am almost four months married now, and as I always say, I am happy and contented. We just have a simple life, but we are rich in love for each other. And to tell you, we already have millions of sweet, simple moments that I appreciate and will always cherish while heading the road of married life.
... a sweet smile after a deep conversation always lifts up your mood.
... a hug and kisses after he found out that you're not feeling well.
... a gentle touch on your lap while he is busy driving.
... a laughter after we tried to sing and dance together even though we are not very good in it, hahaha!
... a wink and hidden tease on a public places.
... a knock on a window just for you to pay attention on him while mouthing the words "I love you".
... a quick kisses while we're on the road.
... an embraces while watching a movie on a couch.
... spending together washing the dishes.
... chatting at different computer while you two are at the same house.
... appreciating what I have cooked even though for me it doesn't really taste good.
... a massage at night even though he's tired from work.
... a conversation with kisses and hugs before we sleep and before we get up in bed.
... the way he gently comb my hair.
... a shower together.
... a look as if you are the most sexiest woman in the world.
Those are just some of the things that keep us going everyday. Yes, life is hard, but you can make it easy and extravagant even in a simple way... I realize, being married is one fruitful stage of life.
The life that you had now is a choice that you've made. Its just a matter of accepting things the way it should be, and embracing all the ups and downs the future might brought you in your journey of life together. After all, God didn't give up and will never give up on you... Stay happy and inlove! :)