I am a person who easily appreciate how beautiful and kind a person is. I am a person who could easily get along even if you are a Richy rich, in a middle class or none of the two. I love fashion and even I don't afford all the latest fashion trends, I could make my own fashion statement, well maybe just not as cool as the others.
I appreciate how Lady Gaga do her style, weird but cool! Or Taylor Swift sweet and innocent look. They are all famous, and as I noticed even in shopping malls or in a small streets, if they saw you wears a cool clothes, or stuffs, lots people will like you, and some might wanted to be your friend... I admit I love making friends and would love to have lots of friends. But do I have to be like them to attract people? to be noticeable? Do I have to be somebody to be cool?
Hmm... I don't know, but one thing I'm certain, I love me, I love being myself!
As I remember, even in my youngest days, I never tried to be somebody. Becoming a fan of some people is good but I think trying to replicate them is unpleasant (respect to others who disagree!)... God made us in our own unique special way. You might wonder why your husband love you even if you're not very pretty and sexy, and even you look like "tindera sa palengke", hehehe... Most people judge you the way you look but I still believe if you take off your mask and let people see what you wanted them to see you, more and more people will appreciate you.
Don't try to live your life trying hard to become someone so that someone will love you back. In fact someone will love you back when you start loving your self. Indeed no one will love you forever just your own, because you alone could stay for yourself when everybody couldn't.
So start saying "I love me, cause Jesus loves me!". :)
God made us in his own image with uniqueness from each another, each of us has our own unique way of being ourself - being us - being me! You should not not or try to be somebody just to be like them. Each of us are special in the eyes of GOD and that is more important than living and trying to copy the image of others...I love being me! I love being myself! (",)
ReplyDeleteYes ate myhel... God is so good for giving us uniqueness... Thanks for the comment ate! hugs! :)