When your mate wants to talk do you listen? Listening is one of the most important thing in building a good and last relationship. Whatever your partner wants to say something, even if its just a story telling about sports, news, or about his/her work experience for that day or just a none sense talk, its important that you extend your ear to him/her and listen. Listening means giving your attention to others even the topic is interesting or not. I'm sure you will get annoyed too if you talk and talk while no one's listen.
My husband and I have a good communication and listening skills. Whenever he got home from work, I always asked him, how is he and how's his day? Then he start to talk and I just listen. Sometimes the answer is just brief but the important thing is you listen. Often times, before we sleep, while laying down to bed, we make a conversations about everything. A laugh and exchanging ideas are a proof that you both listening and enjoying it. It is mostly needed to avoid misunderstanding that leads to quarrels and sometimes ends to a broken relationship.
Listening is not just important when somebody is saying a happy thoughts. It is more important when you listen to someone who is under a difficulty. That way you can share whats in your mind, that could help them on their dilemma.
There are saying that, "Being a talker doesn't mean you are a clever. An intelligent person do lots of listening than talking."
Our God listen and always willing to listen whatever you want to tell Him or wherever you wanted to say it. The reason why there's an answered prayer because He hears it, He listen. The same thing He wanted us to do. Listen! :)