My thoughts about everything... For you somehow to be inspired too... :)
Thursday, August 23, 2012
The Journey of My Pregnancy
Two Months - Having nausea, dizziness, and luck of energy to do my everyday activities in the house. Cravings for filipino foods. The normal things that I love to do before is what I hate now. I hate to smell things that I love to smell before, like garlic, boiling of rice, and popcorn and even my husbands armpit, LOL Have a sleepless nights sometimes. Tired and always sleepy.
Three Months - The nausea attack just once in a while, more dizziness, cravings for lots of food, eat more than usual and still have sleepless night and always sleepy in the afternoon.
Four Months - Allergy occurs, back aches, light headedness
Five Months - Back aches, lower abdominal pain, head aches.
Six months - Enjoying every single day, though my tummy is getting heavier and heavier.
Seven months - In this picture, I am really trying hard to find clothes that still fit yet comfortable to me. I am too tired to go shopping for maternity clothes, but I am always whining about getting one. LOL
Eight months - I was rushed to the ER. I slipped and fall in my butt. Hysterically crying while calling my husband who's that time doing grocery shopping. Went to the bathroom and looked at my underwear if there's blood, I felt relieved when I found none. They've done ultrasound and different test on me, Thank God everything was normal. But after that night I already got lots of contractions. The doctor advised me not to walk too far and stand too long. Feel nervous every time I feel pain coz I know its not time for him to go out yet. Praying hard, and holding on each day.
Eight months - Getting closer. Calvin is holding on because mommy wont let her go out yet. Everything seems going on the right track. Getting more excited too see our baby. Few more weeks and the waiting is over. Thank God for the guidance everyday.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Friday, July 20, 2012
A Sweet Expectations
Its been nine months since we have decided to stop taking birth control and start working on having a baby. We were so excited. Planning a family makes our mind busy and our hearts full of joy.
Three weeks ago when I found out that the long wait is over. That morning, after having a weird dreams of my husband being childish and silly, I get up and go to the bathroom, but before peeing, at the corner of my eye saw the pregnancy test kit sitting in the cover, it was not my plan to take a pregnancy test but I did! I just cant believe that after I put down the PT kit at the corner of the tub two lines appeared in just a span of minutes. My eyes widened and hurriedly raise my shirt up and feel my tummy, "I am pregnant!" I uttered with a big grin.
That exact time I really don't know what to do. I called my husband right away who was at work. He was so happy to hear the good news. That day, our call and text messages was filled with i love you's.
As the day goes by, having some changes in my body makes me feel delighted. Having a supportive husband makes everything easy. Our journey to becoming a parent is starting already. And I will make sure cherish all the moments when..
- when we hugged so tight after the doctor's confirmed that its positive.
- when we first call ourselves mommy and daddy and giggles.
- when he first feel my tummy and give sweet kisses.
- when after so many months again, he open and close the passenger door for me, haha, missed those!
- when we go to the restaurant to get my cravings.
- when my tummy receives good morning and good night kisses from my husband.
- when every time I crave for something and my husband cant give it, he just stare at me with disappointment and gave my tummy a tender kisses.
- when I crave for something for lunch and crave for something else for dinner.
- when I just stare to the food and taste a little so that my husband will not get disappointed after bringing it from the place 5 miles away.
- when I first throw up early in the morning.
- when i started to feel dizzy and not feeling good.
Today, the little angel in my tummy turns two months already. I know going through this period of pregnancy is not gonna be easy. But like all moms out there who have gone through this, I will surpass it too and will try to enjoy every moment of it.
I truly thank God for giving me a chance to carry an angel and be one flesh and blood for nine months. Its a wonderful feeling. I prayed that He will take care of me as much as the baby every seconds of the day. This precious gift will be blessed with so much love every single day. Thank you dear Lord for granting our prayers. Its indeed a sweet expectations. :)
Saturday, June 23, 2012
God will make us stronger..

Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Have been thinking...

Wednesday, February 22, 2012
STILL by Brian Mcnight

This song always reminds me of my first manu script that I've done for Precious Hearts Romance pocket book. The whole story was inspired of this song, where after many years of waiting to find the girl (Daphne) he still want her and love her.
Neo was a retired ramp model who wants to live life simpler from the glamorous life style. While Daphne from being one and only daughter of a business man, live and follow her dream to be a famous ramp model too the time when Neo wasn't a part of a prestigious world anymore. Their lives cross when Daphne visit a famous resort in Palawan where Neo was having a vacation too. That started their love story and how Daphne destined to find the guy who shows love and care the first time they've met.
STILL (A jacket and a letter) is a story I formed from my dreams. Where every night I am excited to sleep and think of beautiful things that turns to a wonderful fantasy, put those together pieces to pieces, to become a love story book. I am proud I made it! Thank you God for the gift of talent! :D
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
A Valentine Drama

Its 10:35 PM at the clock in my car. I supposed to be in the house right now, having my late dinner while playing FB, taking a rest after a long tiring day at work. Saw the phone lighten up, it was ringing for the 4th time, my husband is calling me again. I know he's worried now but instead of answering it, I just hold it tightly, look up at the dark sky, then tears falls down again from my eyes, run through my cheeks, wiped it and whisper to God, "I'm sorry" and cried again.
There's just a few car in the parking lot, the silence of the night makes me feel sad more so I tune up the radio, love songs we're playing, so volume it down, I don't wanna go home yet, I just want to be alone for a while. Holding the steering wheel, with my face on my arm, facing the right side of the parking lot, a familiar person appears. You can tell on his face that he's so worried. He hurriedly open the passenger door of my car and get in. After a small talk and kisses I was convinced to finally go home... Its really hard when you're trying to be good with somebody and yet that somebody wont bother to give it back in return. You're trying hard to reach out to meet their expectation but all they see is your imperfections. I guess its time to move on. Pleasing everyone will be now out of my dictionary.
12:05, still up. Its been two nights already that I doesn't have enough sleep. Its been a stressful day for me. But I know I still have to be grateful, because I have this person with me who is always there on my ups and down. Who always willing to listen on my drama's in life. Laugh and accept my craziness, spoil me in everything and love me more than words can say. Thank you God for allowing me to meet this person, thank you for giving him to me, to love him and be with him for the rest of my life. I know there's still plenty of circumstances to come, but I am confident that I will surpass them all with him by my side.
God, thank you for unconditional and forever love to us. Hugs! :)
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Romance is more important than you may think

In order for the love to thrive, not just survive,
it needs a protective environment.
We call it romance,
and it is as necessary to love
as the air we breathe is to living.
Love cant exist in a vacuum.
It needs more than two individuals
staring blankly at each other.
For love to grow, the two people need to communicate.
The sounds, smell, sights, and touches
that are the main ingredients of love
must somehow be passed back and forth
between two lovers.
Romance is the medium
for this transferal.
Some people think romance is corny. It's not-- it's necessary. Others, especially some men, think romance is somehow demeaning. But being romantic doesn't make a man less of a man. It makes him more of one.
Love can be hard to put into words, but in the form of a bouquet of flowers, it can never be misunderstood. Love in the form of taking on some household chore can't be miscommunicated. Love that's is accompanied by the words "I'm sorry" will never be rejected. Love in the form of focusing your total attention on your partner for a few minutes or a few hours, even when there's something else you'd rather be doing, will speak volumes.
Some people are confused about romance and think it can be bought. While money may be able to help create a romantic atmosphere, romance itself doesn't ever have a price tag attached to it, nor can it be wrapped in a box from Tiffany's. It just needs to be a significant part of you: a thought, a block of time, a sympathetic ear, some warm arms, the pressure of a back rub, the flutter of a kiss. Love needs to nestle in the cocoon of romance. You don't need threads of gold or silver to weave your own safe haven for love. All that's required is a small part of yourself.
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